*sigh* Wellllll I am finally buckling down and updating my blog...I know you have all been on the edges of your seats this past month in complete insane-anxiousness waiting for my next post. But alas! Fear no more!
I have kindly provided you all with a simple update from the past month....
-School is fab. Finals are fabber. My finals are projects not tests. I am a lucky duck.
-People watching in the MC is my FAVORITE past time. I think watching people, or naturalistic observation as my friend calls it, is such an excellent waste of time.
-Sneak shots of people in the MC makes people watching SO much more enjoyable. Especially when they are sitting alone watching a basketball game on their laptops, listening to headphones and standing up and cheering-alone mind you, when their team makes a shot. Too bad the file is "too large to upload" because it really is a jem of a video.
-A tasty salmon dinner is possible for a college student to make and enjoy
-Indubitably is my new favorite word and I try to incorporate it into my everyday conversations to make me seem smarter.
-I have purchased SOOO much black mat board in the past few weeks, that I do believe the media library ran out solely because of me. Sorry everyone...
-I want a MacBook Pro more than anything...well maybe not ANYTHING, but a lot of things...
-Rexburg's weather is bipolar.
-Rexburg has three seasons: Winter, post-winter, pre-winter.
-Have you ever wondered if the pictures of those poor kids with clef pallets plastered all over the internet actually get to have their mouths fixed or does the photographer say, "smile-if you can...alright and...next" ???
This Kid ALWAYS makes me laugh!
-My adopted roommate Janae Butterfield is THE best cook I know and whomever she marries is a lucky lad
-Itunes' 69 cent songs are a blessed gift to poor college students
-Chicago is AMAZING!!! (the band, not the movie or the city)
-It is decided that I should have been born in the 70s. I am meant to be a flower child dangit! Besides, everyone and their dog calls me a hippie.
-The book, "Yearning for the Living God" by F. Enzio Busche is my new favorite book. As I read it, I kept a pen and pad of stickies next to me to write down the amazing tidbits of inspiration I received and plastered them all over my wall.
-Settlers of Catan is my new favorite game, and I almost won-sort of...the first time I played it.
-My Wacom tablet is actually pretty awesome-despite the arm and leg I had to give to buy it.
-I love MJ and JM
Whelp...that's all I can think of so...see ya later mountain face. (Hot Rod anyone?)